5 Ways to Decorate Your Outdoor Blinds

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Planning a party in your backyard? It could be a little hard to decorate the outsides of your house as compared to the insides. It’s time to flex your creative muscle and make the most of that space. Outdoor blinds add to the personality of any house and decorating them is a great idea! Imagine having a Halloween put and hanging skeletons from your blinds or having little pumpkin props to place over them.

There are a lot of ways to decorate your blinds so let’s look at some of them!

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5 Ideas to Decorate Outdoor Blinds

Pot Plants

Depending on the type of your blinds, you can put some potted plants on top. It’s a great way of adding color, not to mention how healthy it is for the environment. If you like a little more vibrancy in color, you can pick multicolored potted plants like Crotons or go for fake potted plants as well.

Creeper plants are also a great idea as they hang off the side, adding a layer of depth to your blinds. Even if you leave the plants there indefinitely, they can maintain a spectacular look!

Let’s talk about a more functional idea for blinds.

Blinds as a Projector Screen

Imagine your blinds as a digital backdrop projecting a slide show of all your favorite memories as the event goes on. That’s not the only thing it’s good for! You can have your favorite movies play as well. Now to make this work, you do need a blind that is of a lighter color and is fully opaque. Any type of light bleed through them can affect the viewing experience.

It’s a more utilitarian approach than it is decorative but it’s a smart one at that! Next up is painting your blinds.

Paint Your Blinds

You must be careful here. The paint doesn’t work well with all types of blind material. It’s important to check beforehand if your blinds are compatible. Once you have the green signal from a trusty patio blinds supplier like Outdoor Blind Southwest, you can start painting! Make sure you use watercolors as they are easy to wash. Going with simple abstract designs is your best bet however if you are confident in your artistic ability, paint up a masterpiece!

Time to light this party up with the next idea!


Blinds make for a great space to put lights on. Using colorful LEDs to decorate your blinds can instantly grab attention and uplift the party spirit. It’s a great idea for Christmas parties and birthdays. Try different patterns with the LED strips and choose colors that match the theme of your party. You will thank us later!


All sorts of ornaments from goodie bags to Christmas decorations will look great on a blind. All you need is some double-sided tape to secure them to it and voila! They’ll look very pleasing to the eye and are easy to clean up after use.

These were some innovative ways to decorate and use your outdoor blinds. Get creative with what you have, and you might discover a genius idea yourself! Let’s add a bit of dazzle to the party!

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