Exploding Pressure Cookers: The Hidden Danger in Your Kitchen

It’s hard to believe, but pressure cookers have existed since the 1500s. Moreover, today’s global pressure cooker market is growing at a CAGR of 7.2% in the forecast period from 2021-2028. And while they’re still seen as a common kitchen appliance, they can be quite dangerous.

Pressure cooker explosions are more common than you might think. Some estimates say millions of faulty pressure cookers are in use today, just in the United States. These explosions can cause serious burns and injuries, so it’s important to take extra precautions when using them.

The Risks of Faulty Pressure Cookers

Knowing the risks and how to avoid them is important if you have a pressure cooker. The most common danger of pressure cookers is that they can explode, causing severe burns and scalds. This can happen if you do not use your pressure cooker properly or maintain it regularly.

Pressure cooker explosions are also known as “boiling over.” When boiling water inside the pot gets too hot and comes into contact with steam release valves or other parts of the pot, there may be an explosion if there isn’t enough room for expansion in your kitchen area. This could cause property damage, injuries from flying debris, and even death.

If you face any such risks, you can seek help from a lawyer to file a lawsuit against the pressure cooker’s manufacturer for giving you a faulty one. Such lawsuits have become increasingly common due to the increasing number of pressure cooker explosions and burns.

Many people are filing for a pressure cooker lawsuit, and you can do the same. Look for an experienced lawyer or law firm with experience fighting personal injury cases. Today, most law firms proudly mention the years and cases they have fought on their websites.

TorHoerman Law is a law firm mentioning these numbers on its websites. The numbers on their website show that they have fought over 10,000 cases over 25 years across 50 states in the US. The website also shows some testimonials from their previous clients.

You can go through such data on a law firm’s website to find an attorney to help you with a personal injury caused due to a faulty pressure cooker.


The most common cause of exploding pressure cookers is overfilling them, which can lead to a rapid buildup of steam pressure. This can be dangerous because it can cause the lid to pop off, sending hot food and scalding liquids flying through your kitchen.

Another major reason for explosions is improper sealing. When there’s too much liquid in the pot and little room for steam to escape, you’re increasing your chances of having an accident with your stovetop cooker.

It’s also important to lock down each seal using a stovetop model. If not properly locked, these machines won’t work correctly or safely. And finally, make sure that the vents on all pressure cookers are clear before cooking. This will prevent dangerous buildup within the appliance while ensuring optimal operational performance.


Burns are a common injury associated with pressure cooker explosions. Per data from the UpToDate website, at least 1 million people suffer burns and are admitted to the hospital annually. A burn may occur if:

  • You are holding the pressure cooker when it explodes, and you are hit by hot liquid or steam.
  • You are standing nearby when the pressure cooker explodes, and hot liquid or steam splashes onto you.
  • You are cooking food in an old or damaged pressure cooker that has been repaired multiple times.


Scalds are a type of burn that occurs when your skin comes in contact with hot liquids. The scalding liquid can be water, milk, soup, or any other hot liquid to cause a burn. Scalds can be caused by the pressure cooker or the food in it.

The most common type of scalding injury is called second-degree burns because they affect only your skin’s outer layer (epidermis) and do not go deeper than this layer. This burn causes redness and swelling but does not leave scars unless it covers a large area of your body, like an arm or leg.

If you have had such a burn, you can contact a dermatologist in your area for ointments. The most common prescription ointment for such burns is sulfadiazine. However, it is best to consult a dermatologist before applying ointment to the burns.

Causes of Pressure Cooker Explosions

The most common causes of pressure cooker explosions are:

  • Pressure gauge damage prevents you from monitoring the pressure inside the pot.
  • The lid is not properly sealed. This is usually due to a damaged gasket or sealant around its edge and lids that don’t fit snugly on their pots.
  • Overfilling your pot with food is a big no-no for any cooking vessel, but it is especially dangerous if you’re using it under high heat.

If you’ve got an older model that uses rubber gaskets instead of metal ones, make sure those aren’t cracked before using them again after years in storage. Otherwise, they won’t seal properly around their edges. They could cause dangerous leaks through which steam escapes into other parts of your kitchen or outside onto sidewalks and streets nearby, which would be bad news.

How to Identify a Faulty Pressure Cooker

There are many ways to check for a faulty pressure cooker, and some of these ways are mentioned below:

Check for Leaks to Identify a Faulty Pressure Cooker

When you’re checking for leaks, look for discoloration around the valve. This can indicate corrosion or damage to the pressure cooker’s interior. If you see any cracks in this area, it could indicate that your pressure cooker needs to be replaced immediately.

Checking for rust and corrosion is also important when assessing whether or not your pressure cooker is safe to use. If there is rust on any part of your device, then it should not be used until repairs have been made because this indicates that water has seeped into places where it shouldn’t be, and this could lead to dangerous situations later on down the road when cooking with high heat inside.

Look for Damage to Identify a Faulty Pressure Cooker

Look for dents, cracks, and scratches. It should be replaced immediately if you see signs of damage on your pressure cooker.

  • Check the lid for dents and scratches. If there are any signs of wear or damage on the lid’s surface area, it could be a sign that something is wrong with your device’s internal components.
  • Check the pressure gauge for damage as well. If there are scratches around its faceplate or it doesn’t fully retract when you open up your cooker after cooking something, this could indicate an issue with how well your pot is functioning internally.


We hope that this article has helped you better understand the dangers of a faulty pressure cooker. The key takeaway is to always inspect your pressure cooker before using it and check for leaks, damage, or defects. If anything looks suspicious or out of place, do not use it until a professional has repaired it.

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