
What Can You Do to Improve the Color of Your Betta?

There are a few things you can do to improve the color of your betta. But keep in mind that if their color changes naturally, there’s nothing you can do about it.

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Enhance the Water Quality:

Improving the water quality is one of the greatest remedies to most of your betta’s issues. You may accomplish this in a variety of ways.

Ensure that the tank is large enough:

The first thing you’ll want to do is make sure your betta is in a tank that’s at least 5 gallons in size. It takes longer for the water parameters to change in large tanks, which is why they are preferable. The simplest way to think about this is that 1 gallon of water cools down more faster than 10 gallons. That isn’t the only reason, though.

Check to see whether they have a heater and a filter:

You should also check to see whether they have a filter and a heater. Betta fish require both of these things because they are tropical fish! They don’t last long in a bowl of water, contrary to common assumption. Even if they do, they will be exceedingly unwell and miserable as a result.

Change the water on a regular basis:

You should replace the water in your betta’s tank on a regular basis. The amount you’ll need to modify is determined by the size of your tank. I have a 10-gallon tank and found that changing 30% of the water every two weeks is sufficient. If the tank is smaller, though, you’ll have to do it more regularly. You won’t have to replace it as often if it’s bigger.

Color-enhancing foods should be fed to them:

You should also feed them food that will increase their color, in addition to ensuring that the water quality is good. Here are some excellent options.


Salmon is one of the most popular feeds for improving the color of betta fish. However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t eat too much fish. It’s pretty rich for bettas, so only feed it to them a couple of times a week. If you want to feed your betta salmon, you may either chop it into little pieces or feed it whole. Alternatively, you may buy fish food that contains it!


If you want to offer your betta additional color, Daphnia is an excellent option. Daphnia, like other crustaceans, is a wonderful source of carotenoid pigments, which are the pigments that determine the color of your betta!

Use High-Quality Food:

Make sure you feed your betta high-quality food when you feed it. You’ll be feeding your fish cheap nourishment if you pay for cheap fish food. Paying a little more for a premium brand is sometimes preferable.

Make Sure Your Tank Isn’t Overstocked:

Last but not least, ensure sure your tank isn’t overfilled. When you have a large tank, it’s quite easy to overstock. After all, there are a plethora of excellent options. The rule of thumb is to use 1 gallon of water every inch of fish. However, before you buy any fish, make sure you know about its specific requirements. If you don’t know where to begin, caring for betta fish might be difficult.


As you can see, your betta’s color loss can be caused by a variety of factors. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind.

  • Stress, old age, injuries, and disease can all cause your betta to lose color.
  • Bettas can also lose their color with time, particularly if they carry the marble gene.
  • If your betta is becoming black, don’t be alarmed unless they’re exhibiting other symptoms of sickness.

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