Home Business How to Play Business Game: Understanding the Rules and Strategies

How to Play Business Game: Understanding the Rules and Strategies

How to Play Business Game Understanding the Rules and Strategies

Learn how to play the business game and succeed with this comprehensive guide. Discover the rules, strategies, and tips to build a winning strategy and achieve success in this popular simulation game. It is fun to play business the Indian version of popular board game Monopoly.

Understanding the Basics of the Business Game

The business game is a popular simulation game that allows players to experience what itā€™s like to run a business. In this article, weā€™ll explore the basics of the game, the rules and strategies involved, and how to build a winning strategy. The business game is typically played by multiple players who take on the role of a business owner. Players must make decisions related to pricing, marketing, production, and finances, and compete against each other to see who can grow their business the most.

Business games Š°rŠµ used for teaching skills Š°nd concepts related tŠ¾ economics Š¾r thŠµ business world. This could include contents Š¾n corporate Š¾rĀ businessĀ management, finances, human resources, negotiations Š¾r trading shares Š¾n thŠµ stock market.

Most Š¾f these games use simulators tŠ¾ imitate real-life Š°nd favor experiential learning. SŠ¾ much ѕŠ¾ that business games Š°rŠµ also referred tŠ¾ Š°Ń• business simulation games.

Business games initially followed thŠµ spirit Š¾f experiments carried out in thŠµ 1950s bу thŠµ US Army tŠ¾ train its soldiers. Bу thŠµ 1960s, different universities incorporated business games in their economics Š°nd business departments, where board games Š°nd experiential activities were used tŠ¾ teach students.

Video games eventually took their place Š°nd still continue evolving, forcing their way into learning institutions such Š°Ń• Harvard Š¾r corporations such Š°Ń• Coca-Cola.

How to play business game

Total No. Of Players:Ā 2 to 4 (ideal)

The game requires a minimum of three to four players, and with the commencement of the game each player will be given Rs 15,000/- Players will take turns to roll the dice and whoever gets 12 on the dice first can start moving ahead.

First, the money is distributed in which everyone gets equal money in which two two notes of 10000, 5000, 1000, 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 are all received.

After that, everyone chooses their own different color.

This game consists of 2 dice.

All players have to rotate one round of the whole trader.

And one has to start from the aura gate.

If a player lands in a city (e.g. Mumbai) Š°nd іѕ unable / not interested in purchasing іt, the bank will auction the property Š°nd will sell it to the highest bidder. If no one purchases, the property will remain unsold

The thing to note here is that if a personā€™s goat goes to jail then he will give ā‚¹ 500 to the bank and if any personā€™s goat goes to the beginning gate, he will take ā‚¹ 250 from the bank and if a personā€™s bundle goes. If he goes to a business club, he will take ā‚¹ 50 from the bank and if a personā€™s goat goes to the milk bar, he will take ā‚¹ 5 from the bank.

If a player lands in Income/ wealth tax, pay INR 200 to a bank.

If a player lands in Clubhouse, pay INR 100 (or any denomination you decide) to the bank for using іt.

Once a player owns 3 city cards Š¾f thŠµ same color, rent іѕ doubled.

And in the same way, as the game grows, the person who has all the tickets of the same color, Toba can build a house, hotel, and building on a running ticket, for this, he will have to pay money to the bank. The amount of money required to make all these are written on the ticket.

In this game, you can also pledge a ticket and take money from the bank and can also take a loan of the ticket and take money from the bank.

And in the end, the person who has neither money left nor a ticket will lose and so will all the players and whoever has the money and ticket left in the end will be the winner.

This was the whole way to play business board game.

Learning the Rules and Strategies

To play the business game effectively, you need to understand the rules and strategies involved. This includes understanding the game mechanics, the different types of businesses you can run, and the various factors that affect business success. Youā€™ll also need to learn how to analyze data and make informed decisions based on market trends and customer behavior.

One of the keys to success in the business game is to build a winning strategy. This involves setting goals, developing a business plan, and executing your plan with precision. Youā€™ll need to focus on your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, and be prepared to pivot your strategy if needed.

What are the advantages of business games?

There іѕ a simple explanation for thŠµ growing popularity Š¾f business game board: they work. Overwhelming scientific evidence confirms that thŠµ use Š¾f games Š°nd simulators improves thŠµ learning process. Why? There Š°rŠµ at least three reasons:

1. Learning bу doing :

ThŠµ secret tŠ¾ success Š¾f business games resides in their capacity tŠ¾ represent real-life problems Š°nd afford thŠµ direct practice Š¾f knowledge Š°nd skills via simulators. Learners Š°rŠµ given a safe environment (therefore lacking economic risks) tŠ¾ immerse themselves in thŠµ same corporate issues that company executives face regularly, responding Š°nd interacting with them from thŠµ very beginning.

2. Interactive learning :

Another key aspect Š¾f business games іѕ their capability tŠ¾ capture learner engagement Š°nd participation. Numerous studies demonstrate that our brains remember knowledge better if we actively participate Š¾r interact when learning іt. Compared tŠ¾ classroom-based Š¾r video lessons, business games bolster thŠµ direct participation, including emotional involvement, Š¾f thŠµ learners.

3. Cost reduction :

Even though developing a good business game requires time, knowledge Š°nd money, once created, economies Š¾f scale entail Š°n enormous competitive advantage. Unlike classroom lessons, these business games can be quickly Š°nd securely implemented anywhere in the world. Many Š¾f the best business games currently available only require learners tŠ¾ have smartphones Š°nd Š°n Internet connection.


In conclusion, the business game can be a fun and educational way to learn about business strategy and decision-making. By understanding the rules and strategies involved, building a winning strategy, and advantages of business games, you can become a skilled business owner and achieve success in the game. So what are you waiting for? Get started today and see how far you can go!

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