There’s nothing quite like being away on vacation. It’s meant to be your opportunity to escape all the hustle and bustle of work and everyday life and the stress that goes along with it. But if you’re in a different state or country, it can’t be stress free unless you have peace of mind that your home is safe and secure while you’re away. You don’t want to be lying on the beach, swimming in a pool, exploring fabulous sights and dining at spectacular restaurants while your mind is swirling with thoughts of emergencies happening in your home. Here are some of the ways you can keep your home safe and secure while away on vacation.
Don’t Allow for Dark Spots at Night
One of the things that home invaders look for is a house that has entry/exit points that are dark at night time. This makes it much easier to get in and out without being detected. Be sure to survey your home at night looking for these potential red flags and then install exterior lighting to remove the problem. You may even want to install motion-sensor lighting so that you don’t have to leave them on all night.
Cut Back Overgrown Branches and Bushes
This goes hand-in-hand with the dark spots, as overgrown greenery can act as cover for potential intruders. Also, you don’t want to have any large branches overhanging the second storey of your house as that can give people access to the windows up there. Cut back everything too close to the house, and keep any greenery well-maintained and pruned throughout the year.
Let a Trusted Neighbor Know You Will Be Gone
For those with a trusted neighbor, it’s wise to let them know what day you’ll be leaving and when you plan to return. You can ask them to report anything that looks suspicious while you’re gone and have them keep an eye out. Not everyone has a neighbor nearby or a reliable one, so in that case, you may want to have a friend or family member pop by mid-vacation just to check on the house. They can do a walk around the exterior of the house making sure all looks secure.
Install a Professional Home Security System
If you want to be sure you’ve taken all the steps possible and that your home is as secure as it can be, then you need to look into a professional home security installation. With today’s smart home monitoring systems, you’ll have a huge selection of features and capabilities available to you even when away. The system you pick needs to be user-friendly, with comprehensive 24/7 monitoring and customization features so you can make sure the system works for your particular home, its layout and perimeter.
All of these tips will help to ensure that your home is safe and secure while you’re on vacation, which means you’ll have peace of mind. You want to be able to live in the moment while on holiday and not worry about life back at home.