by Jasmine

Everyone has become more grounded as a result of the pandemic, and everyone is looking for alternate ways to study and work. People can learn while staying at home and still communicate with their friends, family, and relations through virtual learning. They’ve discovered a number of apps that can assist them in continuing to learn and coping with the fast-changing world.

This has allowed some members to explore and learn new skills while staying indoors. These online education approaches offer a wide range of opportunities that today’s members certainly seek. In comparison to face-to-face classes, they provide numerous advantages.

There has been tremendous growth in the number of live or interactive workshops. They provide the value of an actual live class while giving the comfort of your home and being quite affordable. If you are planning to host your live workshop soon, remember that there are certain things to keep in mind.

Achieving engagement from your students, especially online, takes practice and experience. Even if you’re new to teaching, or just new to live virtual training, you can make your online workshops interesting and memorable with a few fresh ideas. Take a look at these nine fun online workshop ideas below.



Whatever you are trying to explain, make it relatable to everyday life by using real examples, case studies, and creative metaphors. Stories are central to the way memory works. Even if we don’t realise it, we’re always searching for the narrative. If you can find a way to weave your information into an overarching story, attendees will be more engaged and more likely to remember your content well after the live workshop is completed. For example, if you’ve overcome obstacles in your life to get to where you are today, tell attendees your story to inspire and motivate them.


Adding music to your live workshop will make it soothing to listen to. The overall experience also enhances if you choose the right background music. A lot of time in live workshops, there would be clear silence, maybe since you are waiting for the slide to open or maybe there is a question given and everyone is trying to solve it. Generally these moments make attendees us-easy and anxious too. But if there is music on during the workshop, they will feel much better and more focused too since they are not stressed. So pick up a good music playlist before your live workshop starts.


One of the best ways to keep your audience engaged is to avoid overloading them with information. Give them too much and their brains will stop functioning due to overload of information.

Either make your online session a maximum of 90 minutes to 120 minutes or, if it’s taking place over the course of a day, allow short breaks. Give attendees a chance to get up, walk around, and get hydrated.


Attendees will be more motivated to successfully complete your workshop if their efforts are recognised and if they have something to show for it at the end.

Inform the attendees that they will be given individualized certificates to recognize their participation. Additional incentives, such as a competition or minor prizes for the brightest students, should be considered. You may have everyone in the session choose an object in the room that best represents their working style or personality and explain why they chose it. Reward the most inventive response with a reward or a discount on a future workshop.


Need to keep your attendees focused – Tap into their competitive sides. Puzzles or riddles, crosswords, memory games, and ordering tasks are all great ways to keep your attendees engaged and on-task.

Try introducing a quick quiz at the end of each content section, helping them to recap on what’s been learned, and offer a small prize for the winner. This way everyone has fun and at the same time they are learning. And since they have to play these games and win, they will be more attentive during the workshop.


After focusing on sound and games, the visuals are the most important part of your live workshop. Combine traditional oral teaching methods with audio and visual content, PDFs, interactive assignments, and group breakout sessions to create an inclusive webinar presentation or livestreaming event. Include a few well-chosen GIFs to make your audience chuckle and keep their attention.

Begin with a fast PowerPoint presentation, then transition to a clip from a related podcast. Later, have attendees create memes based on what they learned, and have a few of them share their memes to the rest of the group. These memes can also be shared on social media and will create awareness about your interactive workshop.

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