Although the so-called “abortifacient” mifepristone has been declared safe for use, almost all women using mifepristone and misoprostol reported the following adverse effects. Abdominal pain or cramping (96%); nausea (61%); headache (31%), vomiting (26%); diarrhea (20%); dizziness (12%), and; uterine bleeding (5%).
In most clinical trials prior to the approval of this abortifacient, almost all women who applied the abortion procedure experienced these side effects. As a result, approximately one in 14 women using RU-486 experienced severe bleeding that required medical attention. Since its approval, the drug has been linked to the deaths of 14 women in the United States. Here are additional details worth noting.
Two women died from ruptured ectopic pregnancies.
About eight women experienced a systemic bacterial infection.
Four women died of overdose and toxic shock.
The others who survived faced serious complications, including heart attacks.
Other reported incidents and reactions to taking this abortifacient can be noted in the case of a Canadian woman who died of septic shock from a Clostridium difficile infection during a clinical trial of the drug in Canada in 2001, and a Portuguese girl who also died of septic shock in 2011 after taking the abortifacient for only five days. In total, five non-U.S. women have died as a result of taking mifepristone.
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The FDA recently requested special distribution rules for RU-486. They considered the manufacturer’s information and warnings to physicians, explaining that the drug can only be supplied to licensed physicians who have signed a prescriber agreement.
Because Mifeprex is a prescription drug, it should not be available to the public, even through licensed pharmacies. In addition, there is a warning on the label that this should only be administered by a medical professional.
Considering all these medical issues, most clinics have thoroughly explained that all people administering the drug will definitely be under the observation of their medical staff. Furthermore, the World Health Organization (WHO) has significantly observed that approximately 95 out of 100 women have a successful abortion if these pills are administered within 9 weeks of pregnancy. Likewise, the complications associated with RU-486 are considered manageable and can be treated in the same way.
With this information in mind, you will be able to learn more about the proper way to take this particular drug, and the doctors about the so-called “abortion pill” should be able to explain it to you. Women around the world are generally concerned about the medical complications of the drug, rather than the secondary emotional and socio-political effects.