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Converting PDF Files Into High-Resolution PNG Images

Converting PDF Files Into High-Resolution PNG Images

Time and efficacy are both essential, especially for professionals and students. Meeting the expected deadlines and presenting exceptional works will surely give you that advantage you need for promotion and recognition.

This is just one of the many reasons you have to understand and have a good grasp of technology. Now that virtual communication becomes a demand and trend, it is of great importance that you take the privileges that online services have to offer.

Creating a presentation, whether in school or at work, may demand some time. Considering that your presentations should not just be for compliance but must be created with efficacy and skill, the expectation pressure could be high.

Steps in Converting PDF File to a PNG

Luckily, there are already applications and software that you can download to help you produce efficient presentations. For instance, if you want to convert PDF to PNG documents, there are several ways you can do it.

Converting your PDF Files into PNG Images is easy. There are only a few steps you need to follow. Do not worry because these steps are simple and are not complicated. 

Listed below are the essential steps you must follow when using GogoPDF to transform your PDF file into PNG images. 

Step 1.

First, make sure that you are connected to the internet. GogoPDF is an image-conversion service that needs a connection to function online.

Step 2.

Once you are on it, browse the page and look for the box where you will upload your file. Choose the PDF file you want to convert, you may also drag and drag the same into the box. Then you’re ready for conversion. 

Step 3.

Once you click the button on the right, GogoPDF will scan and extract the file. Then it’s almost time to relax because you will just wait for minutes until the website converts your PDF file into a PNG image. 

When the conversion is completed, you can safely download the image to your device. Also, you can already share the file with your social media accounts such as messenger. Don’t you think this is amazing? It’s time to try out GogoPDF’s PNG conversion and see how the magic works for you.

Why Is Converting PDF To PNG Better Than Other Formats?

PNG is a web-based image-converting service that transforms your PDF document into an image. Converting PDF into PNG will give you high-quality image resolution as it makes use of better deflate compression. 

The effect of this compression is that it makes the image look even sharper and clearer. Also, PNG images support digital image compression that goes along with transparent areas. This feature is much better than the traditional formats such as JPEG, which only recognize solid white hues instead of transparent areas. 

Another feature of why it is better to use PNG images is that you can effortlessly attach designs and illustrations to your backgrounds – making your presentation look better with web graphics. You don’t have to look further because here, you will explore the simple ways in how you can use GogoPDF in converting your pdf file into better PNG images.

Key Features of GogoPDF

GogoPDF’s Platform and OS Capability

Whatever operating system your Windows PC uses, it can be supported by GogoPDF online tools. Other OS such as Linux-based and Macintosh-based are also compatible with the web tool. 

The online tool for PNG conversion also supports even the most popular web browsers, such as Firefox, Opera, Google, Apple Safari, and others. 

GogoPDF Privacy Settings

The web service recognizes the security and privacy of all its customer’s information. Considering that it is a high-performing tool, GogoPDF is committed to safeguarding online data privacy. That is why the system automatically deletes all uploaded files after an hour. 

So, it guarantees all important information written on your PDF file is safe and secure from hackers. 

Time Efficient Conversion

Converting PDF files into PNG images using GogoPDF is considerably faster and easier. Using its converter, you can now transform your document into not just an ordinary converted image but high quality, high resolution, and sharp PNG image. And this will only take you a few minutes. 

You just have to upload the file to the web page, click convert on the right button, and let the service do the job for you. See how fast it works! With this, you can still do some other jobs in the office or at school because you are not confined to the hustle and bustle of trying to convert files. 

Product Precision and Accuracy

One of the best things you should do with PNG image conversion is that your file will not be distorted and changed. When you get to convert the pdf file, the tool will not change its original orientation and layout. GogoPDF web-based service is known for its commitment to producing the best PNG images possible. 

So, whether you are converting a photo saved into a PDF file, you do not have to worry about its quality. GogoPDF will make sure that your files will be converted easily without being distorted.

Safe and Secured Conversion

Another good thing about GogoPDF is that it works online. Meaning, you will not be required to download and install additional software to use the service.

Everything that you upload for conversion on GogoPDF will be done online. And will be saved on the safe and secured Cloud platform. Your only requirement is to have a stable internet connection as the entire conversion process will be done online. 

Final Thoughts

Saving the file into jpeg or downloading an application to convert it could be two of the options. However, converting the pdf file into a jpeg may not give you the highest resolution you need for a presentation. Downloading an application could be time-consuming, as you may need time to finish the download before starting converting files. 

If you want to create the best presentation, you will not settle for anything less. Luckily, you can now convert PDF files into high-resolution images, known as PNG.

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