It’s never too late for New Year’s resolutions. Whether you start jogging at the beginning of the year or towards the middle or the end. In the end, what matters is that you do something for yourself and think of yourself. And jogging is a welcome change, especially if you sit at home in the home office a lot or generally work in an office job . Fresh air included!
Are you still missing the right drive? Often the right clothing motivates to start a new hobby. Because if you’ve already invested a bit of money, it is usually easier to start with. When you look in your wardrobe, you just can’t find anything that you could use for your jogging outfit? No problem, because we have put together the most important running clothing for you.
Jogging outfit: the perfect companion for your run
Jogging is a lot of people’s favorite pastime. Understandable if you consider the many positive properties. Running not only trains the legs, but also has a positive effect on the entire body. Regular endurance training strengthens the immune and cardiovascular systems.
The right jogging outfit is not that easy and quick to find in the weather. Because who doesn’t know it: it’s cool outside, you dress warmly and after just a few kilometers you feel too hot in that outfit. Especially in the transition between the different seasons, we often stand at a loss in front of the wardrobe.
Not with us, because we have selected the perfect jogging outfit for you.
Running shoes
Good running shoes are the be-all and end-all for every runner in a jogging outfit, which is why they can cost a little more. Because what many forget when jogging: The joints are loaded with two to three times their body weight. Bad shoes can lead to pain and damage in the joints. The most important thing is the cushioning of the running shoe.
Breathable running clothing
Breathable running clothing, often also known as functional clothing, makes running more comfortable. The reason: They conduct sweat to the outside and do not absorb it like conventional clothing. That way, the skin stays relatively dry and you can continue running in your jogging outfit.
Running socks ensure a comfortable fit in the running shoe. If possible, these should not have a high percentage of cotton, as this prevents moisture from being stored in the socks.
The situation is similar with running trousers and shirts out. Use thin fabrics rather than thick ones, even if you always get a little cold outside at the beginning. After ten minutes at the latest, you will be happy that you have no thick fabric on your skin, because then the body begins to slowly rise and warmth spreads out.
Sports bra
A must for every woman in a jogging outfit is the sports bra, this is particularly important because the chest is exposed to strong stretching and tensile loads when jogging. It also offers your chest a stronghold. If you do without it too often, it is not only much more comfortable for you as a runner, but also prevents sagging breasts. And nobody really wants that!
For wet and cold days
If it’s cold, stormy, and wet outside and you are still motivated to go jogging, you should definitely wear several thin layers of your jogging outfit rather than one thick layer of clothing. Make sure that you do not wear loose clothing in order to avoid the ingress of unnecessary cold.
The first layer of your jogging outfit should consist of tight-fitting functional underwear. In winter, runners enjoy z. B. on cycling shorts. The keeps you warm and does not pinch while running. Also, a functional undershirt is now used with pleasure.
A functional shirt is recommended as the second layer long sleeve. To keep the rest of the body nice and warm, you should also think of a third layer. Depending on the weather, this can be wind- and waterproof functional jacket or a warming fleece jacket be.
A hat or a headband, Gloves, as well as half a face mask, warm you additionally during this time. You should do without a classic scarf because it moves back and forth while jogging and is more of a nuisance.
A smartwatch supports you to measure your running distance, your running pace, and the calories burned while jogging. You can also see your pulse via it. So you always have your health in view. Best of all, you can also connect it to your AirPods and listen to music anytime.
Drinking bottle
Do you need something to drink in between and during your jogging breaks? Then take a small water bottle for jogging with. The best thing to do is to make sure that it has a practical loop so that you can hold it well and, above all, comfortably at all times – without it becoming a disruptive factor when jogging. And if you prefer to stow it away while you are doing it, a belt pouch with a bottle holder will help. Which, by the way, also offers space for small, personal items.
In addition to your jogging outfit, motivation and fun are important accessories that help you jog and especially persevere.
What influences your choice of jogging outfit?
- Weather: Whether the sun is shining outside, it is raining or it is cloudy, plays an important role when choosing your running clothing. Is it z? B. totally cold, but the sun is shining, it doesn’t seem as cold to you as to when it is cloudy or raining.
- Wind: If it pulls from all sides, you are very likely to be cold even while jogging, because the wind makes the actual number of degrees feel colder than when there is no wind.
- Temperature: The temperature is decisive for whether you want to go jogging in long or short sportswear. Note that everyone has a different sensation of warmth and cold.
In order to give you a rule of thumb, remember: The real temperature plus 10 degrees corresponds roughly to the temperature you will feel while running. - Tempo: The faster and more intensely you run, the less warm you have to choose your jogging outfit because the more heat your body produces.
- Your own feelings: In the end, what counts is how you feel in your jogging outfit that day. If you’ve been rather cold the whole time, you can dress warmer. If you sweat quickly, put on airy running clothes.
This is why jogging is so popular – jogging benefits
- simple sport without having to remember exercises or the like
- requires little equipment
- no time or space restrictions
- no age restrictions
- Regular jogging strengthens the immune system and the body’s defenses
- great for switching off from everyday life
- Increase in memory, creativity, ability to concentrate and react
- Release of happiness hormones after running for a long time
- Strengthening one’s own attitude and a healthy self-confidence
- can improve the quality of sleep