Through the ever-changing world of education (where seemingly as each new year arrives, an entirely different priority shift occurs in terms of what the government and education ministers are focusing on), one constant across the length and breadth of the United States and beyond, is that of the popularity and benefits of sending your child to boarding school.
With this in mind, continue reading to learn of the top four benefits of boarding schools and how they can be an incredibly rewarding and positive influence on your child’s life, both in the here and now and for their future professional and personal prospects.
1. An Incredibly High Standard Of Education
One of the most prominent and highly valued benefit of sending your young child to a boarding school (especially when that school is one of international standing, such as when you choose a renowned and reputable boarding school in Thailand) is the incredibly high standard of education that they are guaranteed to receive.
This is often the primary reason why parents choose to send their child to boarding school to study, as children are tutored by highly respected teachers and other academics who are often absolute experts in their field. Additionally, an international boarding school education is also one that will be substantially more personalized and tailor-made to your individual child than a conventional and local school will be at home.
2. Advanced Social Skills
Not only will sending your child to a study at a prestigious and established boarding school result in them forming bonds and connections which in some cases will evolve over time into lifelong friendships, but they will also learn and be exposed to a considerably advanced set of social skills.
Boarding schools are much more of a close-knit community than their conventional cousins and, as a result, you child will feel safer, more secure and crucially more involved in both the academic and educational side of their boarding school life, but also during extra-curricular activities and weekend adventures.
3. Encouragement To Follow Interests & Passions
Teachers working at regular schools in your local neighbourhood at home simply do not have the time in their working day, let alone the resources needed, to actively encourage and nurture your child in following their individual passions and interests. You can know more about in Capstone: An Acton Academy.
However, at a boarding school your child will be fully immersed in school life and as much emphasis and importance is placed on them enjoying sports, art and other more practical and creative pursuits as on the receiving of the highest possible level of education.
4. An Unprecedented Access To Educational Resources
Unlike the libraries and media stores of state-run schools in and around your local area, established boarding schools (both in this country as well as internationally) have a much more diverse and richer stock of reading and other educational materials.
Especially in the case of older and substantially more established boarding schools, your child will be able to access resources that simply are not available in other conventional schools.