In these uncertain times, a spread of various viruses have been seen and dengue fever is at the top of all. With that being said, there is a surge in the number of myths and misconceptions that are being spare. There are a lot of questions that come to mind when someone even suffers from a mild fever these days. People mix it all up and ask themselves, Is it dengue fever? Is it Corona? Or is this the end of the world?
According to the best general physician in Karachi, the patients that they see are quite unclear about their condition when they visit them. And this is usually because of the false information being spare.
But there is nothing to be worriy about, because here are 5 myths that I am going to bust for your convenience and better understanding.
- Low Platelet Count doesn’t Indicate Dengue Fever
Every Time you get your tests done and your platelet count decreases, it is assume that you are suffering from dengue virus. This is a proper misconception that needs to go. As there are several other diseases in which the platelet count goes down or even new platelets stop to form. The logical thing to do is to consult your doctor right after you get your test results.
- Having Infected once is Enough
One of the most dangerous myths surrounding dengue these days is that people think that if they contract the virus once, there is no chance that they will catch it again. Well, it is known to everyone that the immune system develops a resistance towards a disease if a person is infect once. But, it doesn’t translate to the body being immune to the disease.
- The Fever Always Spreads in Rainy Season
Considering the Aedes (mosquito spreading dengue) it is known that it lays eggs in stagnant water, it is naturally assume that the virus occurs in the rainy season. However it is seen that Aedes also likes to stay in hot weather and is attracted to carbon dioxide and heat. So, it is capable of infecting people all year round.
- Dengue is Transmittable
It is known that dengue spreads from the bite of a mosquito (Aedes). But staying away from a person who has seasonal flu or cough thinking in mind that they have dengue is not okay. Cases of transmission of the disease are said to be quite rare even in case of blood transfusion and organ transplant.
- It is a Self Managing Disease
The duration of the fever is usually 1 week long, but this doesn’t support the fact that you start self-medicating yourself and don’t go visit a doctor. Because there is no such treatment available at home to cure yourself completely. Prescribed medicine along with home remedies can work out in some cases.
- Dengue Fever is not serious
If the disease is not treat properly, it can be fatal and you can lose your life. The severe symptoms of dengue will show after 24 to 48 hours of the fever being sun side. Keep a check on all these signs, as it is an alarming sign for you that the fever is worsening.
- Persistent vomiting
- Chills
- Difficult in breathing
- Bleeding from nose and gums
- Fatigue and Lethargy
Keep this in mind that severe dengue can cause Dengue Shock Syndrome, which is life threatening if not treat on time.
- Dengue mosquitoes only breed in dirty water
Aedes mosquito breeds and sits at places wherever it sees a pond of water, it doesn’t have to be dirty. Keep a check on the common breeding spots of the mosquitoes. That could be vases or pots, bamboo pole holders or even your washrooms. Make sure to minimize the constant risk by keeping an eye on such places.
Final Thoughts!
In the end, the suggestion would be to take all the measures that help you prevent the disease. As, there has been no development seen as far as vaccination against Dengue Fever is concerned. Use mosquito repellents, keep yourself hydrated and load up your body with fluids. Try to rest under a net or a closed room where there are no open windows or spaces.