When we talk to our parents on the phone, we talk about the day at the office, the weather, the next family celebration or the new cake recipe.Ā But far too rarely do we devote ourselves to deeper topics.Ā Things that move, shake, carry us away.Ā Or the past: What concerns you to this day, what mistakes have you made, what has enriched your life?Ā Who really knows about their parents?Ā Kind of sad, because talking about it brings two people closer together.Ā On top of that, we can learn a lot about our own lives.
Most of them are still lucky enough to have their parents with them.Ā At some point, however, the time comes when mother and father leave ā and no matter when that time comes: It always comes much too early. Only when itās too late do we think of so many things that we would gladly have done, said ā and above all asked.Ā For example this:
About life
1. Did you have a happy childhood?
2. Who was your first great love?
3. Is there anything in your life that you regret?
4. Would you take another job if you could decide again?
About happiness
5. As you look back on your marriage, what is the most important thing to keep you happy together?
6. Which moment in your life will you always remember?
7. What was your favorite age ā or is it your current age?
8. Which travel destination did you like the most?
9. How did your life change when you became a mother?
10. Which things did you devote too little time to in your life?
About the crisis
11. What was your greatest life crisis ā and how did you overcome it?
12. When grandma died ā how did you cope with it?
13. Of all the wisdom you have heard in difficult times, which one is the most appropriate?
Look through the list the next time you call?Ā That might be a little strange.Ā But in the future we should every now and then take a few minutes more time for our parents and, if appropriate, ask two or three of these important questions.Ā We may be surprised what they have to say.Ā And our parents, in turn, are touched that we are so interested in their lives.Ā We should also ask for old photo albums more often!Ā Indulging in memories together brings people together.Ā And our mother smiles with tears in her eyes when she pulls out the first photo after we are born, then we know:Ā My mom is a present ā because she loves me with every single breath!